Ofsted praise ‘lifeline’ children’s facility in Liverpool

A short break service for children with complex needs and disabilities in Liverpool, described as a ‘lifeline’ by parents, has been praised in its recent inspection by Ofsted.
Children who attend Prescot Drive in Kensington have access to a range of specialist equipment to meet their needs, and take part in a number of activities.

Ofsted visited the centre – which takes up to seven young people at a time – in March, to undertake the inspection. They rated the home as ‘good’, and the report has just been published.
They concluded that children develop “warm and trusting relationships with the staff who are attentive and skilled in understanding what children are expressing”.
Inspectors praised the home for being “maintained to an excellent standard” with “decor and good quality furniture which create a homely and relaxed environment”.
They were impressed that the cultural identity of the children is promoted, including bespoke gift packages given to families in observance of Eid, and a library of resources to help them understand their own cultural needs.

The Manager and Deputy Manager of the home were singled out by Inspectors for praise, with staff also speaking warmly about them.
The report states: “Together, they have brought strong leadership to the home and they lead by example. They are ambitious for children, and strive to achieve the best outcomes for all.”
Parents who provided feedback for Ofsted Inspectors were also complimentary. One parent told inspectors: “It is like home from home for my child. He loves coming”. Another said it was a “lifeline” for them.
The positive work of staff to understand the triggers for children’s behaviour when they become distressed or upset was highlighted by Ofsted.
A parent said: “Staff are great at providing us with strategies to help solve particular problems.”
A professional said: ‘‘Staff go above and beyond to ensure that families are supported, especially during difficult times.’’
Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Services, Cllr Liz Parsons, said:
“Prescot Drive provides a vital service for the parents of children with complex needs and disabilities and I am over the moon that the inspectors have recognised the incredible care that is provided.
“The staff should be extremely proud of themselves for their amazing work in supporting not just the young people, but also their parents and carers.”
Head of Service for Children’s Services, Stuart Williams, added:
“I am really pleased with this Ofsted report, which reflects the brilliant team we have at Prescot Drive.
“It cannot be underestimated the difference their work makes to the lives of all of those who use the facility, providing young people with brilliant care, and giving advice and assistance to their families.”
Safeguarding practice, medication processes and recruitment procedures were found to be safe and effective, and staff training, including a detailed induction and mandatory training, was also praised.
The full report can be read here.